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Type Title Source Notes Import Updated Version
Billing Analysis with Discount

Billing Analysis with Discount

Description: This report is the same as the Billing Analysis with the addition of invoice discount data.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  06/05/15 2014.1.2
Billing Worksheet (No Cost)

Billing Worksheet (No Cost)

Description: This report is the same as the standard Billing Worksheet except without the Cost column.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Billing Worksheet (Portrait Separate Hrs/Units)

Billing Worksheet (Portrait Separate Hrs/Units)

Description: This version of the Billing Worksheet is in portrait instead of landscape.

Schroedel, Scullin & Bestic, LLC

This format was contributed by Schroedel, Scullin & Bestic, LLC.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Billing Worksheet (Portrait)

Billing Worksheet (Portrait)

Description: This version of the Billing Worksheet is in portrait instead of landscape

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  03/24/14 2013.2.2
Billing Worksheet (Portrait) Alternate 1

Billing Worksheet (Portrait) Alternate 1

Description: This version of the Billing Worksheet is reorganized to show open items, aging information, and the most recent activity in an easy to read format. It also provides clearer separation of grouped client information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Billing Worksheet (Separate Hrs/Units)

Billing Worksheet (Separate Hrs/Units)

Description: This version of the Billing Worksheet separates the Units column into Expense and Time columns.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Detail Worksheet

Detail Worksheet

Description: This report is similar to the Detail Worksheet from the older Practice Solution program. This could be used as an alternative to the Billing Worksheet.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  10/29/15 2014.1.2
Excel Export of Invoice Detail

Excel Export of Invoice Detail

Description: This format is designed to be exported to Excel. It includes only invoice detail information so that it can be sorted or filtered as needed and requires that you select the option Include Invoice Detail.

Luke Kociuba with Neeka Accountancy Corporation

This format was created by contributions from Luke Kociuba with Neeka Accountancy Corporation.

  11/06/12 2012.1.3
Firm Monthly Billing Recap

Firm Monthly Billing Recap

Description: This report shows the amount billed per month. You can select the type of detail you would like to see such as Client, Staff, etc.

Consulting Team

This format was contributed by the Consulting Team.

12/17/13 2013.2.2
Invoice Journal (Separate Columns)

Invoice Journal (Separate Columns)

Description: This report is the same as the standard Invoice Journal except that the Hrs. and Units detail is split into two separate columns.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  05/30/08 2009.1.3
Invoice Journal with Paid/Open Amount

Invoice Journal with Paid/Open Amount

Description: This report is the same as the standard Invoice Journal except it has columns for the amount paid and remaining open amount.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  02/26/09 2009.1.3
Invoice Journal with WIP Adjustments

Invoice Journal with WIP Adjustments

Description: This report is similar to the standard Invoice Journal except that it shows actual WIP Time, Expenses, and Adjustments.

Consulting Team

This format was contributed by the Consulting Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Invoice Journal with WIP Comments

Invoice Journal with WIP Comments

Description: This report is the same as the standard Invoice Journal with the addition of WIP comments. In order to see the WIP comments you must check the option to Include Invoice Detail.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/06/08 2009.1.3
Three-Year Billing Analysis

Three-Year Billing Analysis

Description: This report allows you to compare three years worth of billing. It was optimized to be Grouped by Client and Activity (and detailed by Staff). Some other variations will work but the purpose of this report is to compare the billing on specific Project Templates (via filter) over a three-year period. For an example of the options please see the preview.

Mark H. at Conklin Hruzek & Co., P.C.

This format was created by Mark H. at Conklin Hruzek & Co., P.C. with help from the Practice CS Development Team. The original suggestion was submitted through the Practice CS Suggestion Library.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Unpaid Invoices

Unpaid Invoices

Description: This version of the Invoice Journal only shows unpaid invoices.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  09/17/14 2014.1.3
Write-Ups and Write-Downs

Write-Ups and Write-Downs

Description: This report shows write-ups and write-downs in an easy to read format.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  01/25/16 2014.2.5
Client Management
Interaction Listing Alternate 1

Interaction Listing Alternate 1

Description: This report provides a modern look to the Interaction Listing report. It also includes some fields that the original Interaction Listing report did not contain, such as the Phone Number and E-mail address.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
Client Management
Interaction Listing Portlet

Interaction Listing Portlet

Description: This version of the report is formatted to be placed in a Report Viewer Custom Portlet. Benefits of this report include importance and action information displayed in an easy to read layout. For best viewing results, set the Report Date to Today, Group by Date/Time, and Sort Descending.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Client Management
Phone Messages Portlet

Phone Messages Portlet

Description: This version of the report is formatted to be placed in a Report Viewer Custom Portlet. It only includes Phone Messages that have not been cleared from the standard Phone Messages portlet on the Staff Dashboard. This makes it a great administrative tool for viewing all phone messages for Staff. As with any report, it can be filtered and easily printed from the dashboard. For best viewing results, set the Report Date to Today and Sort on Date/Time Descending.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/15/14 2014.1.2
24 Period Chart

24 Period Chart

Description: The 24 Period Chart provides a graphical representation of 24 periods of Produced, Invoiced, and Collected amounts. It can be detailed by Firm or Client.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  11/17/11 2011.2.0
24 Period Chart - Comparative

24 Period Chart - Comparative

Description: The 24 Period Chart - Comparative provides a graphical representation of 24 periods of Produced, Invoiced, and Collected amounts, with year-on-year comparisons. It can be detailed by Firm or Client.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team

  04/25/12 2011.2.6
A/R Aging by Days

A/R Aging by Days

Description: The A/R Aging by Days report displays client A/R balances in 30 day increments rather than by period. For best results, choose Detail by Client Family.

Copeland, Buhl & Company

This format was created by contributions from Copeland, Buhl & Company.

  03/24/14 2013.2.2
A/R Aging Only

A/R Aging Only

Description: The A/R Aging Only report provides a simple way to see the age of client A/R balances. It includes the last invoice/payment date and amount. Click the link for more information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

12/17/13 2013.2.2
A/R Aging Only (Older than 30 Days)

A/R Aging Only (Older than 30 Days)

Description: The A/R Aging Only report provides a simple way to see the age of client A/R balances. It includes the last invoice/payment date and amount. This version of the report only shows clients that have aged balances over 30 days old.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

03/24/14 2013.2.2
A/R Aging Only (Older than 90 Days)

A/R Aging Only (Older than 90 Days)

Description: The A/R Aging Only report provides a simple way to see the age of client A/R balances. It includes the last invoice/payment date and amount. This version of the report only shows clients that have aged balances over 90 days old.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

03/24/14 2013.2.2
A/R Aging Only (Older than 360 Days)

A/R Aging Only (Older than 360 Days)

Description: The A/R Aging Only report provides a simple way to see the age of client A/R balances. It includes the last invoice/payment date and amount. This version of the report only shows clients that have aged balances over 360 days old. For best viewing results, choose Detail by Client Family.

Copeland, Buhl & Company

This format was created by contributions from Copeland, Buhl & Company.

  03/24/14 2013.2.2
A/R Aging Only with Phones

A/R Aging Only with Phones

Description: The A/R Aging Only with Phones report provides a simple way to see the age of client A/R balances and their phone number. Click the link for more information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

12/17/13 2013.2.2
A/R Ledger (No $0 Ending Balances)

A/R Ledger (No $0 Ending Balances)

Description: This report is the same as the standard Accounts Receivable Ledger except that it does not show Clients with a $0 ending balance.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  03/05/10 2009.2.3
A/R Recap

A/R Recap

Description: This report lists the beginning balance, invoices, receipts, service charges, adjustments, and ending balance.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/03/08 2009.1.3
A/R Summary (Aging by Days)

A/R Summary (Aging by Days)

Description: This report is the exact same as the Accounts Receivable Summary except that it shows aging in terms of days instead of periods. For example: 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days, and 120+ days.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  09/24/08 2009.1.3
Deposit Slip Information

Deposit Slip Information

Description: The Deposit Slip Information report provides a way to print deposit slip related information for a specific date range.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Deposit Slip (Horizontal)

Deposit Slip (Horizontal)

Description: This version of the deposit slip lists checks left to right and top to bottom.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Deposit Slip (Vertical)

Deposit Slip (Vertical)

Description: This version of the deposit slip lists checks top to bottom.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Deposit Ticket

Deposit Ticket

Description: This version of the deposit slip is formatted to fit on a narrower piece of paper.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Deposit Ticket (Forms CS 378L)

Deposit Ticket (Forms CS 378L)

Description: This version of the deposit slip is meant to be printed on Forms CS 378L. Some adjustments may be necessary to line up the form and Custom Format on your printer.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

Form 01/26/16 2014.2.5
Deposit Ticket (Forms CS 406LD1)

Deposit Ticket (Forms CS 406LD1)

Description: This version of the deposit slip is meant to be printed on Forms CS 406LD1. Some adjustments may be necessary to line up the form and Custom Format on your printer.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

Form 12/17/13 2013.2.2
Deposit Ticket (Forms CS 437LD1)

Deposit Ticket (Forms CS 437LD1)

Description: This version of the deposit slip is meant to be printed on Forms CS 437LD1. Some adjustments may be necessary to line up the form and Custom Format on your printer.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

Form 12/17/13 2013.2.2
Historical Collections and 5 Year Projections

Historical Collections and 5 Year Projections

Description: This report displays prior billing performance and estimates billing projections five years in advance based on the prior year variance. Data can be evaluated by Client, Engagement and other detail. The Detail Line 1 date should be set to Period to Date.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Open Receipts & Adjustments

Open Receipts & Adjustments

Description: The Open Receipts & Adjustments report provides an easy way to see all unapplied receipts.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/06/08 2009.1.3
Over Limit Accounts Receivable Summary

Over Limit Accounts Receivable Summary

Description: The Over Limit Accounts Receivable Summary provides a listing of all clients with accounts receivable balances over the specified limit and excludes clients with a limit of zero.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Receipt and Credit Applications

Receipt and Credit Applications

Description: This report is similar to the Receipt & Adjustment Journal from the old Practice Solution program. In particular, it lists the invoice number the receipt is applied to.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/15/12 2011.2.6
Service Charge Journal with Paid Status

Service Charge Journal with Paid Status

Description: This report is the same as the standard Service Charge Journal with the addition of a Paid column. This extra column allows you to see at a glance what service charges are paid off at any given time.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  08/14/08 2009.1.3
Activity by Activity Type

Activity by Activity Type

Description: This format shows billed time summarized by Activity Type and Activity.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Activity by Client

Activity by Client

Description: This invoice format shows billed time summarized by Client and Activity.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Activity by Engagement

Activity by Engagement

Description: This format shows billed time summarized by Engagement and Activity.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Activity Category by Client

Activity Category by Client

Description: This invoice format shows billed time summarized by Client and Activity Category.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.,/p>

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Block Style

Block Style

Description: This invoice format shows billed amounts summarized by Activity. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Block Style with Detail

Block Style with Detail

Description: This invoice format shows individual detail lines summarized by Engagement. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Block Style with Expense Detail

Block Style with Expense Detail

Description: This invoice format is summarzied by engagement and shows detailed expenses. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
By Activity

By Activity

Description: This format shows billed time summarized by Activity.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  11/06/12 2012.1.3
By Activity Category

By Activity Category

Description: This invoice format shows billed time summarized by Activity Category.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  11/06/12 2012.1.3
By Engagement

By Engagement

Description: This format shows billed time summarized by Engagement.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
By Engagement (Office)

By Engagement (Office)

Description: This invoice format shows billed time summarized by Engagement and uses the Office address information based on the Office assigned to the Client instead of the default Firm office.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
By Engagement (Period)

By Engagement (Period)

Description: This invoice format shows billed time summarized by Engagement. However, this format is different from other Engagement formats by providing a sentence that includes the current period end date. For example: Write-up Services for the period ending 02/28/09).

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Engagement by Client

Engagement by Client

Description: This invoice format shows billed time summarized by Client and Engagement.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Entry Detail by Activity and Activity Type

Entry Detail by Activity and Activity Type

Description: This invoice format shows detailed time grouped by Activity Type and Activity.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  11/06/12 2012.1.3
Entry Detail by Engagement

Entry Detail by Engagement

Description: This format shows detailed time grouped by Engagement.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Gradient Style

Gradient Style

Description: This invoice format shows billed amounts summarized by Activity. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Gradient Style with Detail

Gradient Style with Detail

Description: This invoice format shows individual detail lines summarized by Engagement. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Pressure Seal Invoice (Z-Fold)

Pressure Seal Invoice(Z-Fold)

Description: This invoice format is designed for use in Z-Fold pressure seal mailers.

Chris Parker, CPA

This format was contributed by Chris Parker, CPA.

  11/06/12 2012.1.3
Professional Style 1

Professional Style 1

Description: This invoice format shows billed amounts summarized by Activity. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Professional Style 2

Professional Style 2

Description: This invoice format shows billed amounts summarized by Activity. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Rounded Box Style

Rounded Box Style

Description: This invoice format shows billed amounts summarized by Activity. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Rounded Box Style with Detail

Rounded Box Style with Detail

Description: This invoice format shows individual detail lines summarized by Engagement. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Rounded Style

Rounded Style

Description: This invoice format shows billed amounts summarized by Activity. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Rounded Style with Detail

Rounded Style with Detail

Rounded Style with Detail', 'Description: This invoice format shows individual detail lines summarized by Engagement. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Scroll Style

Scroll Style

Description: This invoice format shows billed amounts summarized by Activity. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Scroll Style with Detail

Scroll Style with Detail

Description: This invoice format shows individual detail lines summarized by Engagement. It was designed to be used with #9 and #10 standard envelopes with a single window. Please see the preview for specific formatting differences.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/20/16 2016.2.2
Traditional Style with Projects Summarized

Traditional Style with Projects Summarized

Description: This invoice format shows billed amounts summarized by project. Any time not associated with a project is listed in detail with comments directly from the time entry. Expenses are displayed in a separate section.

Walker & Company, CPAs, P.C.

This format was created by contributions from Walker & Company, CPAs, P.C. and the Practice CS Development team.

12/17/13 2013.2.2
#10 Envelope - Billing

#10 Envelope - Billing

Description: This format is designed for printing #10 envelopes with Billing contact information. Printers vary, so adjusting the margins on the envelope format may be required.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
#10 Envelope - Contact

#10 Envelope - Contact

Description: This format is designed for printing #10 envelopes with contact information. Printers vary, so adjusting the margins on the envelope format may be required.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
#10 Envelope - Preferred

#10 Envelope - Preferred

Description: This format is designed for printing #10 envelopes with Preferred contact information. Printers vary, so adjusting the margins on the envelope format may be required.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
#10 Envelope - With Return Address - Billing

#10 Envelope - With Return Address - Billing

Description: This format is designed for printing #10 envelopes with Billing contact information. This format includes a return address. Printers vary, so adjusting the margins on the envelope format may be required.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
#10 Envelope - With Return Address - Preferred

#10 Envelope - With Return Address - Preferred

Description: This format is designed for printing #10 envelopes with Preferred contact information. This format includes a return address. Printers vary, so adjusting the margins on the envelope format may be required.,/p>

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
Client - 8161 - 1" x 4" (No Duplicate) - Billing

Client - 8161 - 1 x 4 (No Duplicate) - Billing

Description: This address label format will hide the Billing Contact name if it is the same as the Client name.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
Client - 8161 - 1" x 4" (No Duplicate) - Preferred

Client - 8161 - 1 x 4 (No Duplicate) - Preferred

Description: This address label format will hide the Preferred Contact name if it is the same as the Client name.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
DYMO 1 1/8" X 3.5" - Billing

DYMO 1 1/8 X 3.5 - Billing

Description: This label works with DYMO label printers at the size specified in the title and includes Billing contact information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
DYMO 1 1/8" X 3.5" - Preferred

DYMO 1 1/8 X 3.5 - Preferred

Description: This label works with DYMO label printers at the size specified in the title and includes Preferred contact information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
1040 Pickup Acknowledgement

1040 Pickup Acknowledgement

Description: This form provides a way for your 1040 Clients to acknowledge the receipt of their tax returns.

Business In Balance

This format was contributed by Rick Dopuch of Business In Balance.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
Welcome Letter

Welcome Letter

Description: This letter provides an example of how to use database fields and custom formulas to accomplish a specific type of letter, in this case a welcome letter. In particular, this letter pulls the contact information for the Associate, Manager, and Partner for the client.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
Welcome Letter Alternate 1

Welcome Letter Alternate 1

Description: This letter is the same as the Welcome Letter with the addition of some graphical formatting. This letter pulls the contact information for the Associate, Manager, and Partner of the client.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/24/12 2012.1.2
1040 Pickup Signature Form

1040 Pickup Signature Form

Description: This form provides a way for your 1040 Clients to acknowledge the receipt of their tax returns.

Business In Balance

The idea for this format was contributed by Business In Balance. The format itself was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Client Collection Summary (>= $600)

Client Collection Summary (>= $600)

Description: This Client Listing report shows clients and their collected amount if their collected amount for the year was >= $600.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  01/14/10 2009.2.3
Client Family Listing

Client Family Listing

Description: The Client Family Listing report shows only those Clients who are a part of a Client family. For best viewing results group by Client Family.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  05/18/10 2009.2.5
Client ID and Sort List (3 Columns)

Client ID and Sort List (3 Columns)

Description: This report lists the Client ID and Client Sort in 3 columns.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  07/03/08 2009.1.3
Client Listing (Phones/Address)

Client Listing (Phones/Address)

Description: This version of the Client Listing report contains the primary, business, fax, and home phone numbers as well as the address.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  07/15/08 2009.1.3
Client Listing (Phones/Email)

Client Listing (Phones/Email)

Description: This version of the Client Listing report contains the primary, business, fax, and home phone numbers as well as the e-mail address.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  07/15/08 2009.1.3
Client Listing (Portrait with 2 Columns)

Client Listing (Portrait with 2 Columns)

Description: This version of the Client Listing report has two columns that make it easier to view address and phone information.

Linsalata & Co., P.C.

This report was contributed by Julie H. at Linsalata & Co., P.C.

  05/15/12 2012.2.6
Client Listing (Portrait)

Client Listing (Portrait)

Description: This is the same as the standard Client Listing report except that the Client address was removed to enable the report to print in portrait.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  06/18/08 2009.1.3
Client Listing with Mailing Address

Client Listing with Mailing Address

Description: This is the same as the standard Client Listing report with the addition of the mailing address.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/06/08 2009.1.3
Client Listing with Client Name 1

Client Listing with Client Name 1

Description: This is the same as the standard Client Listing report except that instead of the Client Sort it shows Client Name 1.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/06/08 2009.1.3
Client Notes

Client Notes

Description: This report lists Client ID, Sort, and any Notes entered for the Client on the Practice CS Notes tab (in Client Setup).

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  09/23/15 2014.1.2
Client Profile/Questionnaire

Client Profile/Questionnaire

Description: This report contains the name and contact information for a client. It is designed to be a customer facing report that would be given to a client to verify their existing profile or add additional information. It can be customized to include Custom Fields specific to your firm.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  11/17/08 2009.1.3
Clients (All Contact Information)

Clients (All Contact Information)

Description: This version of the Client list report shows all the contact information for each client. It includes all addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers for the clients as well as noting the primary of each with an asterisk.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Clients (With Service Charges Setup)

Clients (With Service Charges Setup)

Description: This report lists the beginning balance, invoices, receipts, service charges, adjustments, and ending balance.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  07/03/08 2009.1.3
Clients (Without Service Charges Setup)

Clients (Without Service Charges Setup)

Description: This report lists all the Clients that are not setup to assess service charges.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  07/03/08 2009.1.3
Clients Not Billed

Clients Not Billed

Description: This report shows all the Clients that have not been billed for an amount > $0 during the period. It also shows their WIP and A/R balances through the end of the period. This report excludes Clients with a $0.00 WIP balance.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Engagement Labels

Engagement Labels

Description: This report prints client contact information based on client engagements onto a 1 x 2.5 label. For best results, filter the report for a single Engagement Template.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Excel Client List

Excel Client List

Description: This version of the Client Listing report is optimized for printing to Excel.

SILVERSTEIN & ASSOCIATES, An Accountancy Corporation

This report was contributed by SILVERSTEIN & ASSOCIATES, An Accountancy Corporation.

  09/17/14 2014.1.3
Excel Mail Merge - Contacts

Excel Mail Merge - Contacts

Description: This report was designed to be printed to Excel and then used for a mail merge. It contains most of the Contact setup information.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

Demo 09/17/14 2014.1.3
Excel Mail Merge - Full Client Detail

Excel Mail Merge - Full Client Detail

Description: This report was designed to be printed to Excel and then used for a mail merge. It contains most of the Client setup information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

Demo 09/17/14 2014.1.3
Excel Mail Merge - Full Engagement Detail

Excel Mail Merge - Full Engagement Detail

Description: This report was designed to be printed to Excel and then used for a mail merge. It contains Client and Engagement information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

Demo 09/17/14 2014.1.3
Excel Mail Merge - Mailing Address

Excel Mail Merge - Mailing Address

Description: This report was designed to be printed to Excel and then used for a mail merge.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  09/17/14 2014.1.3
Recurring Bills

Recurring Bills

Description: This report shows all the Clients with recurring bill Engagements.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/06/08 2009.1.3
Calendarized Activity

Calendarized Activity

Description: The Calendarized Activity report can provide insight into what happened with a client for the last 12 months. This report shows 4 totals for each month: Produced, Adjusted, Invoiced, and Hours/Units. It is similar to the report with the same name from the older Practice Solution program. Click the link for more information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/08/08 2009.1.3
Billing Summary

Billing Summary

Description: The Billing Summary is similar to the report with the same name from the older Practice Solution program.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Daily Time Summary

Daily Time Summary

Description: The Daily Time Summary allows you to see the number of hours entered per day by staff. Click the link for more information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

12/17/13 2013.2.2
Expense Listing with Login Filter

Expense Listing with Login Filter

Description: This report details expense information for the logged in Staff.

Consulting Team

This format was contributed by Consulting and the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/15/12 2011.2.6
Expense Listing with Login Filter 2

Expense Listing with Login Filter 2

Description: This version of the Expense Listing report is ideal for those Staff that do not have rights to view WIP Amounts in Time & Expense Entry. The report details the calculated amount (instead of the WIP amount, which can be overridden) of expense information for the logged in Staff. It also shows entries that have not been approved and posted yet.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/15/12 2011.2.6
Firm Monthly Productivity Recap

Firm Monthly Productivity Recap

Description: Provides a monthly snapshot of Hours/Standard Amount. Can be detailed by Firm, Staff, and more.

Consulting Team

This format was contributed by the Consulting Team.

12/17/13 2013.2.2
Monthly Comp Time Exception

Monthly Comp Time Exception (1:1)

Description: This report compares actual hours to target hours to verify Comp Time earned or used on a daily basis. It assumes 1 hour of Comp Time is earned for every hour above the daily target.

Gislason Targownik Peters

This format was contributed by Gislason Targownik Peters with help from the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Over Limit Work-in-Process Summary

Over Limit Work-in-Process Summary

Description: The Over Limit Work-in-Process Summary provides a listing of all clients with work-in-process balances over the specified limit and excludes clients with a limit of zero.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Production Analysis (Without Expenses)

Production Analysis (Without Expenses)

Description: This version of the Production Analysis report does not include expense units or amounts.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/18/09 2009.1.3
Profit Report

Profit Report

Description: This report calculates the overall profitability of what you choose to detail by. This flexibility allows you to recreate reports such as the Staff Profit Report from the older Practice Solution program.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

02/01/11 2010.2.4
Project Budget to Actual with Time Detail

Project Budget to Actual with Time Detail

Description: When Grouped by Project Number, this report shows Project budget to actual numbers and time detail. It is highly recommended that you filter by Client or Project to improve performance.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  02/17/10 2009.2.4
Seven Day Time Recap

Seven Day Time Recap

Description: This report shows a seven day summary of time entered. It also provides subtotals of billable, non-billable, and administrative time. Grouping by Staff is recommended but not required.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Summary Billing Worksheet

Summary Billing Workshee

Description: This report is essentially equivalent to the Summary (Billing) Worksheet report from the older Practice Solution program. Click the link for more information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

05/06/08 2009.1.3
Time and Expense Entry Analysis - Chart

Time and Expense Entry Analysis - Chart

Description: This report shows time and expense entry data in chart form. NOTE: This report requires Practice CS version 2011.2.0 or later.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Time and Expense Entry Analysis - Comparative Chart

Time and Expense Entry Analysis - Comparative Chart

Description: This report shows time and expense entry data in chart form for easy yearly analysis. NOTE: This report requires Practice CS version 2011.2.0 or later.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Time Sheet Report with Detail

Time Sheet Report with Detail

Description: This report shows the hours worked per day for a two week period you specify.

Consulting Team

This format was contributed by the Consulting Team.

08/31/09 2009.2.0
Time Summary with Administrative Detail

Time Summary with Administrative Detail

Description: This report shows hours summarized by Admin, Billable, and Non-Billable. For best results detail this report by Activity and Group By Staff.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  11/30/10 2009.1.3
Time without Task

Time without Task

Description: This report is similar to the standard Time & Expense Listing report except that it only shows entries that meet the following criteria: Project selected and no task selected.

Consulting Team

This format was contributed by the Consulting Team.

08/14/08 2009.1.3
T&E Journal (Separate Columns)

T&E Journal (Separate Columns)

Description: This report is similar to the standard Time & Expense Journal report but with the Hrs/Units column separated into two columns (Expense Units and Hrs).

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  06/18/08 2009.1.3
T&E Journal with Biller Note

T&E Journal with Biller Note

Description: This report is the same as the standard Time & Expense Journal except that it also includes the Biller Note.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  02/26/09 2009.1.3
T&E Journal with Login Filter

T&E Journal with Login Filter

Description: This report is the same as the standard Time & Expense Journal except that it will only show the time entered for the currently logged in staff.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/15/12 2011.2.6
T&E Journal with WIP Amount

T&E Journal with WIP Amount

Description: This report is the same as the standard Time & Expense Journal with the addition of the WIP amount column.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/23/08 2009.1.3
T&E Listing (Separate Columns)

T&E Listing (Separate Columns)

Description: This report is similar to the standard Time & Expense Listing report but with the Hrs/Units column separated into two columns (Expense Units and Hrs).

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/12/08 2009.1.3
T&E Listing with Login Filter

T&E Listing with Login Filter

Description: This report is the same as the standard Time & Expense Listing except that it will only show the time entered for the currently logged in staff.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  05/15/12 2011.2.6
T&E Listing with Login Filter 2

T&E Listing with Login Filter 2

Description: This report is similar to the T&E Listing with Login Filter. It differs in that it has columns for Activity Class (Billable, Non-billable, and Admin). Hours and expense units are also in separate columns.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  05/15/12 2011.2.6
Work-in-Process Aging

Work-in-Process Aging

Description: This report shows Work-in-Process aging in portrait layout.

evelopment Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  09/26/08 2009.1.3
Work-in-Process Aging by Days

Work-in-Process Aging by Days

Description: This report shows Work-in-Process aging in 30 day increments. This report must be detailed by Client and can be grouped by any Client based criteria.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  03/24/14 2013.2.2
Work-in-Process Aging with Units

Work-in-Process Aging with Units

Description: This report shows Work-in-Process aging in portrait layout and includes units

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  02/09/10 2009.2.4
Work-in-Process Recap

Work-in-Process Recap

Description: This report lists the beginning balance, produced, billed, billing adjustments, progess bills, and ending balance.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/03/08 2009.1.3
Work-in-Process with Units

Work-in-Process Summary with Units

Description: This version of the Work-in-Process Summary includes units.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  02/09/10 2009.2.4
Project Management
Excel Mail Merge - By Project

Excel Mail Merge - By Project

Description: This report was designed to be printed to Excel and then used for a mail merge for Project letters.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Excel Project Template Listing

Excel Project Template Listing

Description: This report is designed for printing to Excel for easier Project Template comparison.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
GoFileRoom Export Report

GoFileRoom Export Report

Description: This report is designed to be printed to Excel and then used for a bulk file import into GoFileRoom.

Consulting Team

This format was contributed by the Consulting Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Over Budget Projects

Over Budget Projects

Description: This report provides a quick way to see projects that are over their budgeted amount by more than 5%. Click the link for more information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Over Budget Tasks

Over Budget Tasks

Description: This report provides a quick way to see tasks that are over their budgeted amount by more than 5%. Click the link for more information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Project Labels

Project Labels

Description: This report prints client contact information based on projects onto a 1 x 2.5 label. For best results, filter the report for a single Project Template.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Project Tracking and Analysis

Project Tracking and Analysis

Description: This modified Project Tracking report uses color and date calculations to make due dates and target dates easier to monitor.

Mark H. at Conklin Hruzek & Co., P.C.

This format was created by Mark H. at Conklin Hruzek & Co., P.C. with help from the Practice CS Development Team. The original suggestion was submitted through the Practice CS Suggestion Library.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Project Tracking and Analysis (Highlighted Rows)

Project Tracking and Analysis (Highlighted Rows)

Description: This modified Project Tracking report uses color and date calculations to make due dates and target dates easier to monitor.,/p>

Mark H. at Conklin Hruzek & Co., P.C.

This format was created by Mark H. at Conklin Hruzek & Co., P.C. with help from the Practice CS Development Team. The original suggestion was submitted through the Practice CS Suggestion Library.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Project Tracking with Notes

Project Tracking with Notes

Description: This modified Project Tracking report includes a Notes column. For best results group by Client and Project.

Tzinberg & Dowdy, P.C.

This format was contributed by Tzinberg & Dowdy, P.C. with help from the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Project Tracking with Notes Portlet

Project Tracking with Notes Portlet

Description: This modified Project Tracking report includes Notes and is formatted to fit a dashboard portlet.

Tzinberg & Dowdy, P.C.

This format was contributed by Tzinberg & Dowdy, P.C. with help from the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Routing Sheet Alternate 1

Routing Sheet Alternate 1

Description: This report is similar to the standard Routing Sheet report. However, the report is reorganized to draw the eye to key information (such as Client, Project, and current due date).

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Routing Sheet Alternate 2

Routing Sheet Alternate 2

Description: This report is an alternative to the default Routing Sheet. You may need to modify the format for it to match the procedures at your firm.

Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC

This format was contributed by Mike Hewitt with Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC.

  09/17/14 2014.1.3
Project Management
Routing Sheet Alternate 3

Routing Sheet Alternate 3

Description: This report is is an alternative to the default Routing Sheet. You may need to modify the format for it to match the procedures at your firm.

Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC

This format was contributed by Mike Hewitt with Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC.

  09/17/14 2014.1.3
Project Management
Routing Sheet Alternate 4

Routing Sheet Alternate 4

Description: This report is is an alternative to the default Routing Sheet. You may need to modify the format for it to match the procedures at your firm.

Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC

This format was contributed by Mike Hewitt with Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC.

  09/17/14 2014.1.3
Project Management
Routing Sheet Alternate 5

Routing Sheet Alternate 5

Description: This report is is an alternative to the default Routing Sheet. You may need to modify the format for it to match the procedures at your firm.

Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC

This format was contributed by Mike Hewitt with Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC.

  09/17/14 2014.1.3
Project Management
Routing Sheet Alternate 6

Routing Sheet Alternate 6

Description: This report is is an alternative to the default Routing Sheet. You may need to modify the format for it to match the procedures at your firm.

Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC

This format was contributed by Mike Hewitt with Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC.

  09/17/14 2014.1.3
Project Management
Routing Sheet Alternate 7

Routing Sheet Alternate 7

Description: This report is is an alternative to the default Routing Sheet. You may need to modify the format for it to match the procedures at your firm.

Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC

This format was contributed by Mike Hewitt with Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC.

  09/17/14 2014.1.3
Project Management
Task Tracking (Ready, Phone, Comments)

Task Tracking (Ready, Phone, Comments)

Description: This report is similar to the Task Tracking report except that it only shows tasks that are Ready.

Lawhorn & Associates, PLLC

This format was contributed by Doug Hathaway with Lawhorn & Associates, PLLC

12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Task Tracking (Ready, Received, Login Filter)

Task Tracking (Ready, Received, Login Filter)

Description: This report is similar to the Task Tracking report except that it only shows tasks that are ready, received, and for the currently logged in Staff.

SMT & Associates, Inc

This format was contributed by SMT & Associates, Inc as well as the Practice CS Development team.

12/17/13 2013.2.2
Project Management
Workflow Budget to Actual

Workflow Budget to Actual

Description: This report is similar to the Project Budget to Actual report except that the information displayed relates to the linked GoFileRoom Workflow.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  10/23/12 2012.2.1
Project Management
Workflow Task Budget to Actual

Workflow Task Budget to Actual

Description: This report is similar to the Task Budget to Actual report except that the information displayed relates to the linked GoFileRoom Workflow.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  10/23/12 2012.2.1
Calendarized Activity - With Collected

Calendarized Activity - With Collected

Description: The Calendarized Activity report can provide insight into what happened with a client for the last 12 months. This report shows 4 totals for each month: Produced, Adjusted, Invoiced, and Collected. It is similar to the report with the same name from the older Practice Solution program. Click the link for more information.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  03/24/14 2013.2.2
Client WIP/AR Aging

Client WIP/AR Aging

Description: This report provides A/R and WIP Aging in an easy to read summary.

Consulting Team

This format was contributed by the Consulting Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Client Summary

Client Summary

Description: This report provides A/R and WIP information in an easy to read summary. It is modeled off of the Client Summary from the older Practice Solution program. The following columns were also added to the report: Service Charges and Current Progress Bill.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/25/12 2012.1.2
Key Totals

Key Totals

Description: This report is designed to mimic the Key Totals portlet, however it allows for more control over date ranges and grouping levels displayed. The size of this report is ideal for use as a Custom Portlet within a dashboard.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS SupportTeam.

  06/05/15 2014.1.2
Two-Year Summary

Two-Year Summary

Description: This report provides two years of Produced, Billed, and Collected information by Client for the firm year that includes the current period and the prior year.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/25/12 2012.1.2
Staff Management
Accrued PTO

Accrued PTO

Description: This report uses the Staff Cost field and accrued leave amounts to calculate and display the dollar amounts due Staff for accrued paid time off. This figure comes in handy for adjusting the firm books at the end of each month.

David Futcher

This format was contributed by David Futcher.

  07/25/12 2012.1.2
Staff Management
Staff Capacity Analysis Chart

Staff Capacity Analysis Chart

Description: This report shows Staff availability in a graphical format.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/25/12 2012.1.2
Staff Management
Staff Schedule Summary Chart

Staff Schedule Summary Chart

Description: This report shows the Staff Schedule Summary in a graphical format.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Staff Management
Staff Target Summary with Total Hours

Staff Target Summary with Total Hours

Description: This format adds total hour values onto the Staff Target Summary report.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  03/24/14 2013.2.2
A/R Balance Letter

A/R Balance Letter

Description: This statement format is setup as a letter that can be customized. It was intended to be used in cases where you want to send a letter to Clients with balances over X days old. You can use the Options on the Print Statements screen to configure Client selection.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
A/R Ledger Detail

A/R Ledger Detail

Description: This statement format displays a beginning A/R balance, current period activity and amount due.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
A/R Ledger Detail (No $0 Invoices)

A/R Ledger Detail (No $0 Invoices)

Description: This statement format displays a beginning A/R balance, current period activity and amount due. In this version $0 invoices will not show up on the statement.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
A/R Open Items Only

A/R Open Items Only

Description: This statement format displays open A/R items and amount due.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
A/R Open Items with Current Activity

A/R Open Items with Current Activity

Description: This statement format displays prior-period open A/R items, current period activity and amount due.

Support Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Support Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
A/R Open Items with Current Activity (No $0 Invoices)

A/R Open Items with Current Activity (No $0 Invoices)

Description: This statement format displays prior-period open A/R items, current period activity and amount due. In this version $0 invoices will not show up on the statement.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Rounded Box Style

Rounded Box Style

Description: This statement format works well with the Rounded Box Style invoice format.

Danta Chase & Co., CPAs, PS

This format was contributed by Tina Rheinford with Danta Chase & Co., CPAs, PS

  12/17/13 2013.2.2
Competitor Reports
Billing Report

Billing Report

Description: This report format is designed to mimic the Billing Report from ProSystem fx Practice Management.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/02/12 2012.1.2
Competitor Reports
Client Production

Client Production

Description: This report format is designed to mimic the Client Production report from ProSystem fx Practice Management.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/02/12 2012.1.2
Competitor Reports
Client Profit

Client Profit

Description: This report format is designed to mimic the Client Profit report from ProSystem fx Practice Management.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/02/12 2012.1.2
Competitor Reports
Employee Posted Summary

Employee Posted Summary

Description: This report format is designed to mimic the Employee Posted Summary report from ProSystem fx Practice Management.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/02/12 2012.1.2
Competitor Reports
High Client Billing

High Client Billing

Description: This report format is designed to mimic the High Client Billing report from ProSystem fx Practice Management.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/02/12 2012.1.2
Competitor Reports
Project Estimates Worksheet

Project Estimates Worksheet

Description: This report format is designed to mimic the Project Estimates Worksheet report from ProSystem fx Practice Management.

Development Team

This format was contributed by the Practice CS Development Team.

  07/02/12 2012.1.2